Clubby Joomla


Component feedback TelForm (Code: )


 Features of the component:

The main difference of the component from analogues - this component sending messages to Telegram

What gives? First of all a quick response to the client message. It is no secret that a lot of customers selling sites are being lost due to delays in response, or the lost of messages.


Possible components:

  1. Saving messages to be entered into the database
  2. Sending messages on e-mail
  3. Send messages to Telegram

Installing the component-component is installed by standard means of Joomla



  1. Indicate the mailing address to which the message is sent
  2. Indicate the email subject
  3. A letter of support
  4. Indicate Tokin Telegram
  5. Specify the ID of the chat Telegram

For the connection the form send messages from the Telegram website needed a token and the ID of the chat.

To create this bot in Telegram:

  1. Find a main bot Telegram @BotFather
  2. Sent a request /start
  3. In return, we get a list of available commands
  4. Select /newbot
  5. Telegram offers  the name of the new bot
  6. Choose a name, this bot will  to receive messages from the site
  7. Write the name in the response Telegram sends the token
  8. Activate this bot is typing in the browser token)/getUpdates
  9. In response to the receive array. From this array, select the ID of the chat
  10. The token and the ID of the chat write down in the appropriate field of the component

 The kit component includes a module that allows you to display the feedback form in a modal window.

Price: 10.00 USD
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